About Project Management Experiences Series | İnşaat Mühendisliği | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


About Project Management Experiences Series

About Project Management Experiences Series

Dear Students;

Project Management Experiences Series Starts on November 18!!!!!!!!

We are launching an online webinar series in which Kalyon Holding’s managers will share their knowledge and experience through webinars. In the webinar series, which will start on November 18 and continue until January 6, 2021, many issues from project design management to production and supply chain, from facility management to tender and bidding will be discussed. The first topic of the webinar series, the first of which will take place on November 18, will be “Project Evaluation and Feasibility Analysis” and our Business Development, Contract and Progress Payment Group Manager Tufan Körez will share his knowledge and experience in this field. We invite all our colleagues, especially our young friends and university students who have just started their career, to access new information throughout their life, to our online activities. From following Link you can join.
