About 2019-2020 Graduation Ceremony | İnşaat Mühendisliği | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


About 2019-2020 Graduation Ceremony

About 2019-2020 Graduation Ceremony

Dear Students;

The students who are on the graduation list must notify their participation status to Res. Asst. Enes Tabak via email enes.tabak@hku.edu.tr until 16.09.2020,  13.00 o’clock.

In your email you must notify their status from one way as follows :

  1. I will not Participate the ceremony.
  2. I will participate the ceremony as online.
  3. I will participate face to face. In this case you must give required from informations. (Citizenship number, HES code, Informations about people who will participate the ceremony with you (Max 2 people). 

You can download graduation list from here.